Saturday, October 27, 2007


The article below was published in THE TIMES OF INDIA- NIE edition of Hyderabad on 5th December 2007 with the tiltle: ALL WORK AND NO PLAY

(An article on the present ‘Learning Process’ at school level in Indian education system and its influence on learners)

“The difficult is that which can be done immediately; the impossible is that which takes a little longer.”


It’s not uncommon to witness on countless occasions pupils being referred to as dummies and duffers, slow learners and low scorers, buffoons and weak students(I am afraid it doesn’t mean physically weak for I have been a weak person since my school days.) and an immeasurable tail of tags and nomenclatures—in most of the cases, taking “ marks scored against the maximum marks” as the sole parameter.

On questioning the credibility of such an outdated yet reckoned as a neo-parameter; people come out with fashionably packed ready made reasons to justify as though they have excelled in the post-doctoral research on the theory of “The survival of the fittest” and “Score high to withstand the competitive world!”.

Teaching has become teaching per se (in Indian perspective). As long as the principles of evaluation in our education system continue to numerator/denominator kind of a thing, there is hardly any chance far progressive surge in this regard.

Let the child enjoy his learning and learning ambiance and let’s not condition the child to breathe in stress. Let their dreams be not haunted by loads of worksheets, homework or home assignments. I f the present day thirty plus folks are asked to speak about their childhood, they would narrate an endless enchanting stories of their reveries of childhood days. I have apprehensions on what would the present generation kids have to tell about their childhood after a decade or so. Whom would they curse for not having played “HIDE AND SEEK?”

Everyone is born with a working brain, let there be no doubt about it (leaving aside the exceptions). Why then they shouldn’t be given their share of freedom to prove their mettle and individuality? How long should they lament for their own birthright?

“Child is the father of the son..............” (altered)

The need of the hour is not the so-called teachers but facilitators or may be supporters. I wouldn’t mind referring them as cordial helpers. Thrust should be on enhancing inquisitiveness and creativity of the child, originality of thought, application of knowledge, process of reasoning and analysis and imbibing moral values.

Although the pedagogues have for ages hailed these objectives as crux of any education system, nevertheless systematic approach in deliverance and practicality especially in India has largely been unsatisfactory. We have been successfully able to ‘produce’ the sophisticated and techie brains for the global market but have scantily been able to bring down illiteracy in its real terms.

“ Something is rotten in the state of affairs…….!”

Where have we gone wrong? To answer this million-dollar question we need to get back to the rudimentary business of learning process.

How qualitative and productive is our learning process?

An unfenced convivial learning environment around the child opens up ample opportunities which would act as catalysts to bore and shape the multiple intelligences. The

By-product of this will be an optimistic and progressive social being. In juxtaposition to this a conditioned and dogmatic atmosphere of learning will only hatch either prototypes of parasitism or self –centered individuals. Both are uncalled for in this present world of civilization.

Taken the size of the “Y” generation population, ‘ India is the youngest nation in the world’.

Who should guide this bubbling sizeable population to a well-groomed future?

Here is list of some suggestive measures which any pragmatic thinker would come out with_

* Role of boardroom policy making and syllabus framing:

The big heads involved in policy making and syllabus framing are accountable for what the whole of a generation is being imparted.

It shouldn’t become a Byzantine complexity nor should it be influenced by political vendetta. It’s high time they frame syllabi which kindles and boosts the learners’ thought process not mere cramming culture.

* Teachers (The torch bearers) :

They are the one on whom the whole world bestows the responsibility of grooming the learners to build not only their careers but also better societies. Unlike the other services it’s not a thankless job. Aristotle of bygone centuries is still revered as the highly inspired teacher. What the teacher imbibes lasts forever in the minds of learners. Learners get molded the way she molds them. The service should not be a mere means of bread earning alternate. It ought to be accepted as passion and honour.

* Parents/guardians (Emotional link):

They should be open and communicative, soothing and caring. They should never be repulsive, should cultivate good traits in their children and heed to their problems and needs. Avoid comparing the child with neighbours’ child which might result in negativity. Parental pressure will put a child in trauma succeeded by worst repercussions of any scale, play the role of a friend for an open verbal ism and compassionate enough to bust out stress. Give the child freedom that it often craves for but with a tinge of caution sensibly communicated.

* Why not bank on individual talents:

Every individual is born with some talent.
Identifying and improvising such talents in a child at the right age and stage will render fruitful dividends and of course opens up a Pandora of alternate opportunities in the follow.
Painting, dancing, singing, creative writing, photography, acting, orating and debating, scientific and mathematical experimentations to list some of them are today part of the curriculum by de-fault. A child showing interest in a particular art/skill must be provided a platform with enough time and space to nurture and excel. It could be any of the arenas listed above.
These forms of art sprout aesthetic sense, creativity and spontaneity in a child and double the energy and spirit. There is absolutely nothing in concrete to lose as its germane to the process of learning.

* Art of expression (Magic of speaking skills):

teachers,parents and all other elders in the life of a child must motivate,encourage and facilitate it to express openly and fearlessly. help it to overcome inhibitions. the more one is coaxed to express, the higher his confidence grows. it's conspicuous that a confident child performs better than anything else. at school peer learning in the form of group discussions, debates and a variety of other techniques come in handy to enhance communicating skills.

* “I Can Do” attitude:

“Don’t mind your make up but make up your mind”

I Can Do (ICD) attitude should be implanted right from the inception of schooling. Let the child soar into an endless sky fluffing with confidence to embrace its DREAMS.

With an ICD factor,

If a pretty hocker called Dhiru Bhai Ambani from a small town in Gujarat could build one of the richest business establishments in the world,

If a middle class lad called APJ Abdul Kalam from a small island town Rameshwaram in Tamil Nadu could go on to become the highest citizen of India,

If a Ludwig Van Beethoven born in Bonn in Germany I\even after turning into complete deaf could become world famous pianist and music composer,

If an ordinary soldier in the French army could become an emperor to rule half of Europe,

Why can’t anyone else, YOU and ME, make a DIFFERENCE!!

Honing a child is not hatching chicks. It’s a complex, continuous and comprehensive process of bringing out the best in the child as well as morphosing its abilities into an all round development for a tranquil global society.

The saga of “Learning for me and learning for you” should go on in a contentious manner. The crowd encompassing around a child should sow the seeds and deliver the requisite goods and the transformation automatically takes place and the child reciprocates by standing high.

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