All the sands of Sahara,waters of Pacific,pines of Alpine,yens of Japan,scents of Arabia,guns of America,ribs of Somalia,widows of Iraq,orphans of Afghan,
On the ramps of Ankara land
Can they match the prostitutes of democracy
Bastards of politics and Brutus and their balderdash?
He scissors into bellies
Gopes for the rib cages
To play the tunes of sarangi
One by one asserting to announce the exact number
Counts again and again the viscous ribs
Pulls out intestines to curl around his arms and does the shakira,
Demands for recompense
Then licks the bowl full of dust and fungus.
On the front page Laxman's cartoon sings the song unto the grave for the day's burial.
Subcontinental rivers are meandering,
Thames is willing to offer its clutches but the Queen is unwilling.
Ganges is thirsty so is she sobbing,
Mississippi is ready to quench her thirst ,
But Yankees are unwilling.
In the corridors of haunted castle behind the lunatic Gothic pillars
Government and its clowns are joking,
Opposition is opposing,
Kudos to comrades! under their asses are they sleeping?
On the ramps of Ankara land
Can they match the prostitutes of democracy
Bastards of politics and Brutus and their balderdash?
He scissors into bellies
Gopes for the rib cages
To play the tunes of sarangi
One by one asserting to announce the exact number
Counts again and again the viscous ribs
Pulls out intestines to curl around his arms and does the shakira,
Demands for recompense
Then licks the bowl full of dust and fungus.
On the front page Laxman's cartoon sings the song unto the grave for the day's burial.
Subcontinental rivers are meandering,
Thames is willing to offer its clutches but the Queen is unwilling.
Ganges is thirsty so is she sobbing,
Mississippi is ready to quench her thirst ,
But Yankees are unwilling.
In the corridors of haunted castle behind the lunatic Gothic pillars
Government and its clowns are joking,
Opposition is opposing,
Kudos to comrades! under their asses are they sleeping?