Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Mr. Prime Minsiter, why should I vote for you this time?

Sharad Pawar doesn't know what went wrong with Onions!
Defence Minister Doesn't know what happened to the submarine!
External Affair Minister Doesn't know what went wrong with China and Pakistan!
Home Minister doesn't know what went wrong in Bodhgaya and Hyderabad!
FM doesn't know what is wrong with the Rupee!
Coal Minister doesn't know who robbed the files from ministry!
Law minister doesn't why his predecessor manipulated CBI probe report!
Information minister can't differentiate facts with fiction!
Commerce minister doesn't know what went wrong with the exports!
HRD minister doesn't have any clue of the rot in the midday meals!
Railway minister doesn't know how the trained crushed so many under the wheels! 
Prime Minister doesn't know what went wrong with all of above!
Still we see full page ads in the name of some Rajiv Gandhi by most ministries at the cost of taxpayers' money.

Some(every)thing is rotten in the state of UPA......

Dear Honourable Prime Minister of India Dr. Manmohan Singh,

Most people I have come across and interacted with say a big NO to favouring your UPA alliance in the coming general elections not to surprise including me. I had very little hope in your government and in all your promises made during the pre-election environment in the country immediately after your HUNDRED DAYS in the office. The balance sheet of your promises vs actions forced me to come to this stand. Price rise was skying high and it has never stopped to this day. 

Why should I vote for you?
Do you have any moral right to ask for my vote?

No doubt , I must appreciate your contribution in the form of RTI, RTE and MNREGA (though these programmes may have benefited many but still need to be reviewed) but you must also be in a position to receive criticism. What is evident from the UPA part-2? Ask even a school going kid from a sleepy town in any part of the country, she would list out not less than half a dozen biggest scams of your rule. You may call this as the propaganda of the opposition but SIR, we are not fools to be influenced by propaganda everytime. The falling value of rupee shouldn't be a big worry says your finance minister, what is your response sir? Is it really not a big worry? Are the rising prices also not a big worry? May not be for the rich in the country and all the netas as they get quality food at the cheapest rates in your canteens. General public is vexed to its optimal level and you still expect me to vote for you. Isn't that the most ridiculous of the expectations?

As a common man everyday when I tune into television news, there's nothing that muses me than your team of spokespersons doing the jugular attempts to defend you. It looks like the seat of power has made the crew arrogant and immuned them with thick skin. Yet they don't inspire me for all reasons! 
Now that I contradict, a bunch of hounds around you will chase me to find my roots and palinly call me a chela of MODI. 

Have I anywhere in this note talked for the leader who is giving you the sleepless nights? NO. I have only spoken the prevailing mood of the country resulting out of the mis-governance.

Now tell me Mr. Prime Minister why should I vote you?

Should I vote because you liberalised the Indian economy some twenty years back?
Or should vote for you because you are a renowned economist?
Should I vote for you because you never spoke to clarify our doubts for all these nine years ?
Or should I vote because you hold a degree from the Cambridge?
Should I vote for you because you claim only yourself to be a secular?
Or should I vote for you because you realised only after nine years that the most Indians are hungry?

Give me atleast one strong reason to counter my note Mr. Prime Minister for WHY SHOULD I VOTE  FORYOU?

If you still think you can make me  fool out of your HUNDRED DAYS TO BRING DOWN PRICES kind of promises,
I am so sorry, I am not going to believe you this time around. Thank you for waking me up in advance!!

With Best wishes for the coming general elections!

With lots of love and respect

Truly yours